200 Gram Cakes

Double Agent

Double Agent

A top secret combination of crackling mines, tails and bursts; with sea blue dahlias, red strobing stars and a rapid-fire finale.



– 8-bit pyro! Retro red, pixelated purple, laser lemon and electric lime. Includes a finale of crackling tails, silver waves and white strobes.

Red Giant

Red Giant

Supergiant sized effects! Red glittering tails to big red and orange dahlias with red strobe; followed by a finale of red strobe mines, yellow and big red strobe bursts.

Neon City

Neon City

A radical array! Hot pink and orange, ocean blue and green, fiery crackle, glittering palms and a finale of gold.

Nova Core

Nova Core

Sliver glitter tails rising to bursts of blue, green, purple and yellow; with a brilliant finale of gold and silver strobe.

Space Cadet

Space Cadet

A stellar arrangement of red, white and blue, nebulous purples and pinks, with a finale of silver.